Coffee with a Curator: An Interpretation of Florida's Unique Environment (September)
In conjunction with our special exhibition, Dalí’s Floral Fantasies, this month’s talk will explore Florida's environment with Emily Goot, Executive Director of the Florida Botanical Gardens Foundation and Beth Gelman, Senior Director of Arts and Cultural Programming for Creative Pinellas.
No Availability
Coffee with a Curator: André Breton (October)
In 1924, André Breton ignited an aesthetic revolution with the publication of the Surrealist Manifesto, a call to explore the depths of the unconscious and to liberate its creative potential. As we commemorate 100th anniversary of the publication of this ground-breaking document, we will take a closer look at what this manifesto was about as well as the history of the surrealist movement and its legacy.
10/2/2024 10:30 AM
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